RES 1/2022:
Eucharistic Sharing: Bridge towards Unity – Barrier to Unity?/
Eucharistische Gastfreundschaft – Brücke oder Hindernis der Einheit?
Guest Editor: Thomas O’Loughlin
Articles / Aufsätze
Ray Temmerman: Eucharistic Sharing: Barrier or Bridge?
Thomas O’Louglin: Time-Sensitivity as a Possible Way through Ecclesial Deadlock in Regard to the Eucharist
Andrew Pierce: Celebrating Imperfect Communion
Fokke Wouda: Tentative Steps Exploring a New Path: The Roman Catholic Church and Eucharistic Hospitality with Ecumenical Intent
Bridget Nichols: The Admission of Baptized Children to Holy Communion before Confirmation Anglican Approaches
Gregory Shokhikyan: The Church of Armenia and the Sacramental Sharing: Historical Horizon, Future Perspectives
Kieran j. O’Mahony OSB: Discerning the Body – what did St Paul mean?
Andreas Andreopoulos: The Translation of the Parish across Borders and Cultures
Book Reviews / Buchrezensionen
Gabrielle Thomas, For the Good of the Church: Unity, Theology and Women, SCM Press, Norwich 2021, 256 p., ISBN: 978-0334060604 (Doral Hayes)
Fr. Stephen C. Headley, The Songs of the Bridal Chamber: Monks at Prayer, ed. Nikolaos Asproulis, Volos Academy Press, Volos 2020, 265 p., ISBN: 978-618-5375-08-9 (Basilius J. Bert Groen)