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RES 2/2021 – Sacred Spaces in Motion

Florin George Calian


Editorial RES 2/2021
Alexandru Mihăilă


Temple and Paradise. Some Remarks on the Dynamics of Sacred Place


Ioana Zamfir



Jerusalem in Motion. Images of Jerusalem in the Bible and Beyond


Anni Maria Laato


Egeria’s Itinerarium and the Development of Sacred Spaces and Edifices in Jerusalem


Serafim Seppälä


The Struggle for Memory: The Khachkar Field of Julfa and Other Armenian Sacred Spaces in Azerbaijan


Andrew Oberg


The Sacred Disguised: An Instance of the Double Use of Space by Japan’s Hidden Christians


Heidrun König


Sacred Spaces in Transition: A Glimpse into the Situation of the Evangelical (Lutheran) Church A.C. in Romania


Hans Bruno Fröhlich


The Church on the Hill in Schäßburg/Sighişoara. A Jewel of Architecture and Art-History on a Marginal Spiritual-Liturgical Existence


Teresa Leonhard


Performing Sacral Spaces – Spatializing Sacral Performance


Mirel Banica Parohia Cofetăria: Industrial, Religious and Communal Space. A Case Study on Patrimony as Inherited from Communism and its Transformations


Nadia Badrus


About Empty Synagogues and Jewish Communities in Today’s Romania


Hans-Jürgen Kutzner


What Makes a Sacred Space Sacred and under What Circumstances Does it Become Desanctified?


Nicolae Drăguşin


A Battle of Words: Petre Chiricuță’s Reply (1926) to A. C. Cuza’s Religious Antisemitism (1925)


Alexandru-Marius Crişan


Vladimir Latinovic and Anastacia K. Wooden, Stolen Churches or Bridges to Orthodoxy?, Volume 1: Historical and Theological Perspectives on the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Dialogue, Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue, Palgrave Macmillan 2021, 386 p., ISBN: 978-3-030-55441-5


Michael G. Azar


Rafiq Khoury, Rainer Zimmer-Winkel (eds.), Christian Theology in Palestinian Context, Berlin, AphorismA 2019, 512 p., ISBN: 978-3-8657-5049-5


Csaba Szabó


Niko Huttunen, Early Christians Adapting to the Roman Empire. Mutual Recognition, Supplements to Novum Testamentum 179, Leiden-Boston, Brill 2020, 282. p., ISBN: 978-90-04-42615-3


Hans Klein


Amiel Drimbe, The Church of Antioch and the Eucharistic Traditions (ca. 35-130 CE), WUNT 2/ 529, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2020, 304 S., ISBN: 978-3-16-158308-7


Hans Klein


J. David Woodington, The Dubious Disciples. Doubt and Disbelief in the Post-Resurrection Scenes of the Four Gospels, BZNW 241, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2020, 224 S., ISBN 978-3-11-069155-9


Ionuţ Biliuţă Nikolaos Asproulis & Olga Sevastyanova (eds.), Ex Patribus Lux: Essays on Orthodox Theological Anthropology and Georges Florovsky’s Theology, Volos: Volos Academy Publications, 2021, ISBN: 978-618-5375-12-6


Ionuţ Biliuţă


Paschalis M. Kitromilides, Religion and Politics in the Orthodox World: The Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Challenges of Modernity (London: Routledge, 2019), 144 p., ISBN: 9780815394648


  Transformation of Sacred Space: Function and Use of Religious Places in Germany (TRANSARA)


Cyril Hovorun



In memoriam Hans Küng (1928-2021)