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Editorial Review Procedure

All manuscripts submitted for consideration for publication in RES undergo a preliminary selection process: one of the editors and at least one of the members of the editorial board assess whether the submitted manuscript is likely to meet the minimum requirements of suitability for publication in RES, Revista Ecumenică Sibiu (The Sibiu Ecumenical Review) and assign it to one of the sections (the main section or the “other articles” section of that respective issue). Manuscripts that meet the preliminary requirements of suitability for the review process are sent out to one or more subject specialists for reviewing anonymously. The referees are selected by the editor-in-chief after consulting the members of the editorial board. The reviewing process involves the assessment of the form and content of the manuscript, to make sure that it is both scientifically relevant and in line with current academic requirements. Since the reviewing is done anonymously, the author or authors are required to make only impersonal reference to their previous work.

The review process may take up to two or three months. As soon as the reviewing process is completed, the authors will be sent a letter of acceptance (which does not imply that the manuscript will be considered for publication in the following issue of RES).

Based on the referees’ reading reports, authors will be asked to review the manuscript if necessary. Authors will have to state to what extent they accept the referees’ comments or explain why they reject them. The Editorial Board will not forward any comments to authors of rejected manuscripts.