RES 2/2023
(“André Scrima” Fellowship)
Guest Editors: Florin George Calian & Alexandru-Marius Crișan
Editorial: Miscellanea
Articles / Aufsätze
Gheorghe Ovidiu Sferlea: Dwelling in the house of the Lord: Virtuous Perfection in Didymus the Blind
Isaveka Grigoraș: The Textual Tradition of the Life of Saint Irene the Empress
Raul-Alexandru Todika: Contacts between the Cistercian Monks and the Christians of the Eastern Rite between the 12th and 13th Centuries
Dragoş Boicu: The Orthodox Romanian Churches of Guşteriţa
Ionel Moldovan: The Social Theology of Spiru Haret
Iuliana Cindrea-Nagy: “They Must be Brought to the Right Path”: Monastic Incarceration of Old Calendarist Believers in Interwar Romania
Zeno Carra: Theological Issues in the Case of the Reform of the Offertory in the Roman Catholic Rite of Mass
Sigrid Rettenbacher: Der Glaube kommt vom Hören: Das Modell des Salzburger Evensongs als gesungene Form der Verkündigung
Obituaries / Nachruf
V. Mugurel Păvălucă: Nachruf für Prof. Dr. Karl Christian Felmy – Ein Werk für die göttliche Liturgie
Book Reviews / Buchrezensionen
Donal Dorr, A Creed for Today. Faith and Commitment for our New Earth Awareness, Veritas, Dublin 2020. (Alexandru-Marius Crișan)
James Kapalo and Tatiana Vagramenko (eds.), Hidden Galleries. Material Religion in the Secret Police Archives in Central and Eastern Europe, Lit Verlag, Wien, Zürich 2020. (Coriolan Mureșan)
Krzysztof Leśniewski, Man in Metanoiacal Dialogue with God. The Biblical and Hesychastic Message of the Great Canon of Sf. Andrew of Crete, Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, Göttingen 2022. (Alexandru Prelipcean)