RES 2/2022:
Between Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: The Religious Underground in the Twentieth Century East-Central Europe/
Zwischen Orthodoxie und Heterodoxie: Untergrundreligion in Ostmitteleuropa im 20. Jahrhundert
Guest Editors: Anca Șincan & Ionuț Bibliuță
Editorial RES 2/2022: Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: The Religious Underground in the Twentieth Century East-Central Europe
Articles / Aufsätze
Dumitru Lisnic: Organising Religious Resistance: Contingent Procedures, Material Religion and early Soviet Repression against Religion
Catherine Wanner: Sectarian Traitors? Factors that Supported and Thwarted Conversion among Baptist Communities under Two Regimes in the Early Twentieth Century
Roland Clark: The Heterodoxy of Female Mysticism Before and During State Socialism: Vasilica Barbu and the Vladimireşti Convent
Ionuț Biliuță: The Heterodoxy of Female Mysticism Before and During State Socialism: Vasilica Barbu and the Vladimireşti Convent
Nadieszda Kizenko: Father Dimitri Dudko and the Intersection of late Cold War Underground, Official, and Diaspora Russian Orthodox Church Opinion
Anca Șincan: Chronicling the Underground: The Diary of an Old Calendarist Monastic Brother
Iulia Cindrea-Nagy: When Absence Comes to Matter: The Old Calendarist Church’s Strive for Survival in 20th Century Romania
Book Reviews / Buchrezensionen
Roland Clark, Sectarianism and Renewal in 1920s Romania. The Limits of Orthodoxy and Nation-Building, Bloomsbury Academic, London and New York, 2021, ix + 222 p, ISBN: 9781350100954 (Iulia Cindrea-Nagy)
Lucian Turcescu, Lavinia Stan, eds., Church Reckoning with Communism in Post-1989 Romania, Lexington Books, Lanham, Boulder, New York, London 2021, 227 p., ISBN: 978-1-4985-8027-4 (Sielke Beáta Kelner)