3/2013 – The Ecumenical Relevance of Dumitru Stăniloae’s Thought / Die ökumenische Relevanz des Werkes von Dumitru Stăniloae
- MICHAEL WEBER: Ökumenische Spiritualität im theologischen Werk von Vater Dumitru Stăniloae
- EMIL BARTOŞ: Unio mystica in Dumitru Stăniloae’s and Jean Calvin’s Theological Thinking
- CIPRIAN MOCANU: Freiheit und Verantwortung aus der Sicht von Dumitru Stăniloae. Nuancen einer Debatte
- MARIAN PĂTRU: Mutuality – Presence – Personal Revelation through the Word. Father Dumitru Stăniloae and Martin Buber’s relational ontology
- CIPRIAN I. TOROCZKAI: Father Dumitru Stăniloae and the Ecumenical Dialogue. Between Disproof and Acceptance
Ecumenical news / Aktuelles
- DANIEL BUDA, Meeting of General Secretaries of the European Council of Churches (ENCC’s), 14–6 May, Helsinki, Finland (Orthodox Sofia Centre) and Tallinn, Estonia
- DANIEL BUDA, The 14th Assembly of the Conference of European Churches (CEC), Budapest, Hungary, 3–8 July 2013
- Final Message of the Public Issues Committee of the 14th General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches
- Message from the 14th General Assembly of CEC to all the Member Churches
2/2013 – The Challenges of Teaching Ecumenical Theology in Central and Eastern Europe / Wie kann ökumenische Theologie in Mittel- und Osteuropa gelehrt werden?
- STANKO GERJOLJ, Challenges for Religious Education in Slovenia
- NIKOLAOS ASPROULIS, “Church and World Dogmatics”: The Ecumenical Need for a Paradigm Shift in Modern Orthodox Theology and Education. A reflection
- NICOLAE MOŞOIU, Considerations regarding the Ecumenical Theological Education in Romania
- CRISTIAN SONEA, Confessional Religious Education or Ecumenical Religious Education? Case Study of the Orthodox Confessional School from Cluj-Napoca
- SHORENA PARUNASHVILI, Religious Education in Georgia
- JOHN P. BRADBURY, From Orthodox to Evangelical: Ecumenical Theological Education in Cambridge, England
Further Articles / Weitere Aufsätze
Ecumenical news / Aktuelles
Book Reviews / Buchrezensionen
- VASILE BÎRZU, Împlinind Legea Dragostei în adâncul inimii: spiritualitate isihastă la Sfântul Diadoh al Foticeei [Fulfilling the Law of Love in His Heart: Hesychastic Spirituality in St. Diadochos of Photike] (Ciprian-Iulian Toroczkai)
- EMESE SARKADI NAGY, Local Workshops – Foreign Connections. Late Medieval Altarpieces from Transylvania (Adrian Stoia)
- EMANUEL PAVEL TĂVALĂ, Kirche und Staat in Rumänien (Dragoș Boicu)
1/2013 – Ethics and Migration / Ethik und Migration
- MICHELLE BECKA: Ethik an der Grenze. Zu einem möglichen theologisch-ethischen Horizont im Migrationsdiskurs
- MARCUS AGNAFORS: Quality of Government and the Treatment of Immigrants
- NINA VAN EGMOND: Caught Between Rights and Restrictions. An Ethical Analysis of the Rights and Capabilities of Undocumented Immigrants in the Netherlands (Narratives by Billy Walkman)
- GÖRAN COLLSTE: Is a Generous Immigration Policy a Way to Rectify for Colonial Injustices?
- RIKARD FRIBERG VON SYDOW: The Outsourcing of Survival: Ethical Problems Regarding the Privatization of Migration and Integration Processes in the European Union
Further articles / Weitere Aufsätze
Ecumenical news / Aktuelles
Inter-Orthodox Pre-Assembly Consultation Statement
Book reviews / Buchrezensionen
- MIHAI-D. GRIGORE, RADU HARALD DINU, MARC ŽIVOJINOVIĆ, Herrschaft in Südosteuropa. Kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven (Stefan Tobler)
- ANDRÉ SCRIMA, Timpul rugului aprins. Maestrul spiritual în tradiția răsăriteană [Time of the Burning Bush. Spiritual Master in the Eastern Tradition] (Nicolae Răzvan Stan)
- MICHAEL G. VANLANINGHAM, Christ, the Savior of Israel: An Evaluation of the Dual Covenant and Sonderweg Interpretations of Paul’s Letters (Alexandru Ioniță)
- WIM LAMFERS, Curajul credinţei [The Courage of Faith] (Ciprian-Iulian Toroczkai)