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Call for Papers 3/2022

Roma Minority, Belief and Religious Life in European Societies


Roma people in Europe follow often the predominant religion of their host countries (usually Christian or Muslim). According to the recent research the acceptance of the majority religion was in the previous centuries a method of survival and in a certain degree of integration at the same time. The last decades of religious and political freedom in Europe puzzled the old patterns of balance between religion and politics among traditional societies.

The new issue of RES invites authors of any related field with Romani Studies to explore the complex role of religion and any religious expression in the relationship between Roma people and their contexts. How does religious life play a role in the process of inclusion/exclusion of the Roma minority in the majority society? Can we still speak today of Roma inclusion and how is it related to religion? What does today the inclusion mean from a theological or religious perspective? How do Roma researchers perceive the entire discussion on „Roma inclusion” and do they eventually allude to religion?

Researchers from a wide range of disciplines ranging from social anthropology, history and political science and from sociology and theology are invited to the issue. The articles could for example focus on ethnographies of ethno-cultural and/or religious devotions, rites, places, objects or iconic figures, including concepts of transcendence within Roma communities. Articles documenting various forms of religious life, forms of alternative spirituality or secularity among Roma and their role in the complex relation with the majority society are as much appreciated as theological reflections on Roma inclusion.

Submission deadline:September 15, 2022


Contributions will be published in German or English and are to follow editorial guidelines: