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RES 1/2023 – Dynamics of Tradition and Liberty in Byzantine Liturgy

RES 1/2023:

Dynamics of Tradition and Liberty in Byzantine Liturgy: 40 years after Alexander Schmemann/

Die Dynamik von Tradition und Freiheit in der byzantinischen Liturgie: 40 Jahre nach Alexander. 

Guest Editor: Petru-Mihail Pruteanu


Editorial: Dynamics of Tradition and Liberty in Byzantine Liturgy: 40 years after Alexander SchmemannDie Dynamik von Tradition und Freiheit in der byzantinischen Liturgie: 40 Jahre nach Alexander.

Articles / Aufsätze

Olga Lossky-Laham: Reflecting with Schmemann on the Functions of Byzantine Hymnography: The Case of the 15 Antiphons during Holy Friday Matins

Mihail K. Qaramah: Liturgical Renewal in Contemporary Orthodox Thought in Romania: A Preliminary Assessment

Zoya Dashevskaya: The Discipline of Historical Liturgics in Russia: from «Unhappy Step-daughter» to Full-fledged Scholarly Discipline

Petru-Mihail Pruteanu: The Doctrine of Original Sin and its Influence on the Theology and Practice of Baptism

Serafim Seppälä: A Sacred Cyberspace? Towards the Ontology of Virtual Worship


Job Getcha: Fr. Alexander Schmemann’s Liturgical Theology and the Need for Mystagogy in the Church Today