3/2014 – Biblical Exegesis between East and West / Bibelwissenschaft zwischen Ost und West
- HANS KLEIN: Die historisch-kritische Methode der Bibelauslegung. Eine kritische Würdigung
- COSMIN DANIEL PRICOP: The Historical-Critical Method and the Holy Fathers. A brief history of a mutual reception with ecumenical implications at the level of biblical studies
- ZDENKO S SIRKA: Gadamer’s Concept of Aesthetic Experience as a Possibility for the Orthodox Biblical Theology
- RENATE ANDREA KLEIN: Einander wahr-nehmen. Rezeptionsästhetik als Chance für gegenseitiges Lernen in der Bibelwissenschaft
- OTFRIED HOFIUS: Die Auferweckung des Lazarus in den gottesdienstlichen Hymnen der Orthodoxen Kirche. Ein Beitrag zur Auslegunsgeschichte von Joh 11,1-44
- CONSTANTIN OANCEA: Can Orthodox Biblical Theology be Autonomous? The Case of the Bible from 1914
- ALEXANDRA PALANTZA: The Creation Narratives in the Western and Greek-Orthodox Theology of the 20th Century
- KONSTANTIN NIKOLAKOPOULOS: Die orthodoxe Hermeneutik in ihrem Selbsverständnis gegenüber der historisch-kritischen Methode
Ecumenical news / Aktuelles
- International conference on “Concepts of “Human Dignity” in the Patristic Tradition and their Traces in Eastern and Western Christianity”, Nijmegen, Holland, 14-17 October 2014 (DANIEL BUDA)
- The Polyphonic Theology of the Church Fathers, Heidelberg, Germany, 9-12 October 2014 (DANIEL BUDA)
Book Reviews / Buchrezensionen
- PANTELIS KALAITZIDIS ET AL. (EDS.), Orthodox Handbook on Ecumenism. Resources for Theological Education (Cristian Sonea)
- MACARIE DRĂGOI (ED.), Artisan of Christian Unity between North and East: Nathan Söderblom. His corespondence with Orthodox personalities (1896-1931) (Dragoş Boicu)
- ENRICO CATTANEO S.J., Il commento a Isaia di Basilio di Cesarea. Attribuzione e studio teologico-letterario, Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 139 (Alexandru Ioniţă)
2/2014 – Euthanasia: challenges and Christian perspectives / Euthanasie: Herausforderungen aus christlicher Sicht
- GERHARD MARSCHÜTZ: Sterben in Würde. Zur Sterbehilfedebatte aus katholischer Perspektive
- THEO A. BOER: Euthanasia, Ethics and Theology: A Dutch Perspective
- VACLAV JEZEK: Euthanasia and Orthodox theology of Communion
- DANIELA MOŞOIU: Palliative Care as Response to Suffering at End of Life
- RIKARD FRIBERG VON SYDOW: A life in need of “neither protection nor preservation”: Joseph Fletcher, Down’s syndrome and euthanasia
- MICHAEL ALBAN GRIMM: “Das ist das Leben? Ich will sterben!” Eine narrativ-ethische Analyse von Julian Schnabels Film “Schmetterling und Taucherglocke” (Frankreich/USA 2007) über ein Leben im Locked-in-Syndrom
Ecumenical news / Aktuelles
- The Global Ecumenical Theological Institute – a forum for theological debate and inter-generational dialogue, 25th October – 9th November 2013, Seoul/Busan South Korea (Gabriel-Viorel Gârdan)
- Second International Conference on Protestant Church Polity: Good Governance in Church and Society today, Prestoria, South Africa, 24-27 March 2014 (Daniel Buda)
Book Reviews / Buchrezensionen
- Stefan HÖSCHELE, Interchurch and Interfaith Relations. Seventh-day Adventist Statements and Documents (Emanuil Dinu Burzo)
- Michael BÜNKER & Bernd JAEGER (Hg.), 1973-2013: 40 Jahre Leuenberger Konkordie. Dokumentationsband zum Jubiläumsjahr 2013 der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa (Stefan Tobler)
- Cristinel IOJA, O istorie a Dogmaticii în teologia ortodoxă română (A History of Dogmatics in Romanian Orthodox Theology) (Ciprian Iulian Toroczkai)
1/2014 – The Ecumenical Relevance of Dumitru Stăniloae’s Thought II / Die ökumenische Relevanz des Werkes von Dumitru Stăniloae II
- ŞTEFAN TOMA: Father Dumitru Stăniloae (1903–1993) and his Contribution to Theology. Recognitions and Commentaries
- ALEXANDRU ROŞU: Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae’s View on Laymen’s Participation in the Infallibility of the Church
- FLORENTIN ADRIAN CRĂCIUN: The Eucharistic Sacrifice in Dumitru Stăniloae’s Theology with a Referential Point at the Mysterienlehre of Odo Casel
- CONSTANTIN PRIHOANCĂ: Communio und Eucharistie. Ekklesiologische Parallelen bei Dumitru Stăniloae und Joseph Ratzinger
Further Articles / Weitere Aufsätze
- ADRIAN STOIA: Images of Chalices in Transylvanian Panel Paintings
- DRAGOŞ BOICU: Marian Devotion as a Form of Legitimization of the Imperial Authority
Ecumenical news / Aktuelles
- The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches – A General Presentation and Some Preliminary Remarks
- Message of the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Busan 2013
- God’s Gift and Call to Unity –and Our Commitment
Book Reviews / Buchrezensionen
- Thomas BREMER, Hacik Rafi GAZER, Christian LANGE (Hrsg.), Die orthodoxen Kirchen der Byzantinischen Tradition (Alexandru Ioniţă)
- Metropolitan KALLISTOS WARE, Orthodox Theology in the Twenty-first Century (Mădălin Enciu)
- Aristotle PAPANIKOLAOU, The Mystical as Political. Democracy and Non-Radical Orthodoxy (Marian Pătru)