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RES 1/2021 – For the Life of the World. Reflections of Post-Conciliar Orthodoxy

Tamara Grdzelidze


Editorial RES 1/2021


Nikolaos Asproulis


Doing Orthodox Political Theology Today Insights from the Document For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church (2020)


Serafim Seppälä


Truth or Diplomacy? For the Life of the World, Islam and the Patristic Approach


Samuele Bignotti


Ecumenical Bridges between Orthodox and Catholic Sides: Comparison between Fratelli Tutti of Pope Francis and For the Life of the World. Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox ChurchSigned by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew


Nicolas Kazarian


Interfaith Dialogue and Today’s Orthodoxy, from Confrontation to Dialogue


Jan Dominik Bogataj Ofm


Conversion as Transformation of the Heart: Guardini’s Existential Interpretation of Augustine’s Confessions


Paul Siladi


Book Reviews: Zachary B. Smith, Philosopher-Monks, Episcopal Authority, and the Care of the Self: The Apophthegmata Patrum in Fifth-Century Palestine, Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia 80, Turnhout, Brepols 2017, 327 p., ISBN: 978-2-503-57888-0


Ioan Alexandru Tofan


Zdenko Š. Širka, Transcendence and Understanding. Gadamer and Modern Orthodox Hermeneutics in Dialogue, Eugene, Oregon, Pickwick Publications 2020, 214 p., ISBN: 978-1-5326-7807-3


Alexandru Ioniţă


Mirel Bănică, Bafta, Devla şi Haramul. Studii despre cultura şi religia romilor [Bafta, Devla and Haram. Studies on the Culture and the Religion of the Roma], Iaşi, Polirom 2019, 468p., ISBN: 9789734655786


Hans Klein


Bincy Mathew, The Johannine Footwashing as the Sign of Perfect Love: An Exegetical Study of John 13,1-20, WUNT 2/464, Verlag Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2018, 516 S., ISBN: 978-3-16-155145-1


Hermann Dankwart Pitters


Wolfgang Wünsch, Hans Küng in der Theologie der Religionen. Von der offenbarten dogmatischen Wahrheit zum interreligiösen Synkretismus, Wachtendonk, Edition Hagia Sophia 2020, 394 S., ISBN: 978-3-96321-007-5


Irimie Marga


Pentru viaţa lumii: Către un etos social al Bisericii Ortodoxe [For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church], Revelatio. Theologia socialis, introd. David Bentley Hart and John Chryssavgis, trans. Viorel Coman and Petre Maican, Oradea, Ratio et Revelatio Publishing House 2020, 140 p., ISBN: 978-606-9659-07-6


Alexandru-Marius Crişan


Laura Ganea (ed.), Papa Ioan Paul al II-lea în România. Dialogul catolic- ortodox la nouă secole de la Marea Schismă [Pope John Paul II in Romania: Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue Nine Centuries after the Great Schism], Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti 2019, 326 p., ISBN: 978-606-16-1070-9


Phillip Calington


Theodota Nantsou and Nikolaos Asproulis (eds.), The Orthodox Church Addresses the Climate Crisis, Athens & Volos, WWF Greece & Volos Academy Publications 2021, 129 p., ISBN: 978-618-5375-11-9


Nicholas Taylor


In Memoriam: Professor JAMES D. G. DUNN, FBA, DD (1939-2020)


Serafim Joantă


Father Professor BORIS BOBRINSKOY (1925-2020): A Theologian of the Spiritual Experience